Sunday, June 29, 2014

Making the Most of the Next 40 Years....

Why does being an adult have to be hard?

I quit blogging because in my mind... life is busy and time is precious... not that I didn't have time or want to blog... but why would someone want to read about my life when they have their own and probably a little more interesting or even a little more difficult...

Some big things have happened in my life and I realized that I should start blogging again for ME... Why?
  • Goals... Visually see them and keep them alive
  • Capture moments and sayings that I don't want to forget
  • Capture milestones of my kids (who are now both adults) for them to have after I am gone
  • Focus on the things that changed my life for the better
  • Accept the things that weren't as positive and how to handle/cope through them
This blog has typically been based upon running... but will be a little different going forward.

What is up next on the blog?
  • What it is like to begin the 'Empty Nest' Stage
  • Plans with my most best friend ever... JB and what we want to achieve in the next 40+ years
  • Moving a kid on campus and getting ready for college
  • How your life changes when you hear someone you LOVE DEARLY has cancer and only have a year left with them
  • Parenting young adult children
  • Running experiences
Until next time... 

Friday, July 6, 2012

DB's Reflections....

Why do I run?  Am I addicted?  Do I need a twelve step program?  Maybe I need 'Daily Affirmation w/ Stuart Smalley'? 

I run because:
  • Time w/ God and soaking up all He has done and created
  • It makes me a better person overall
  • It helps clear my mind on days I am struggling
  • It helps me be even happier on those days that I am not struggling
  • I am an example for others
  • It helps me keep my mind healthy
  • I see some amazing things while running
  • I have formed relationships/friendships that I would not have formed otherwise
  • Endurance, not only physically...but mentally
  • Health
  • I feel like I focus so much better at work
I picked my running back up in May 2011 and haven't stopped since.  It has helped me in so many areas of my life, that I truly can't imagine NOT RUNNING. 

When I started back up, it was for vanity purposes... lose weight.  I was the biggest I had ever been in my life.  I knew I could drop weight/inches quickly with running and had no intentions to continue to run, once I met my goal 'size'.  I exceeded my goal, as far as physical measures are concerned.  BUT, I also exceeded anything else I have ever experienced as a runner. 

I did not grow up in Beaver Cleaver's house and my first marriage was not like Mike and Carol Brady's.  I don't believe I am an heir to some million, billion or kazillionaire.... But all of that is okay...  I am in charge of my life and how I approach it...

If you are family, you may want to close this blog.  I am sharing this because I want people to know that it doesn't matter where you are from... you can get through these tough times, regardless of what they are. I have been asked so many times WHY DO YOU RUN...and this is it...this is what kept me on the pavement. 

January 2011 was the beginning of the end of my relationship with my mom.... little did I know it would also end other relationships in my family... To be 'tossed aside like a piece of garbage' from a parent is something that no one should have to experience, regardless of age.

I was working in the D.C. area during this mess, staying in hotels, eating alone, tough days at the office... I was gaining weight, whether from eating excessively, eating crap food, eating out for every meal, depression????  I started taking my running shoes and clothes that were not the most comfortable for running.... but I did it. 

I remember that inauguaral run that led me to who I am today.  As I was running the first two blocks, my mind wandered to her and 'why do I not deserve her love'?  Running through many memories over the years of abandonment from her, being a burden, what had I done that made her despise me so much?   CLEANSING.... I was SWEATING the bad things out... They were leaving my system. 

There were a couple of times that I did reach out to her, but in return, did not receive the warm feelings I longed for... there was an exchange utilizing text that made my decision, I will not let her in and hurt me again.  The last time I spoke with her was 6/11/2011.

Running became my therapy... and I realized, I am not the problem... I AM worthy of love, having family and friends that love me and enjoy being with me (through the good times and bad), loving and enjoying my friends and family, learning how to have a 'healthy relationship', happiness, success in my immediate family, success in my career...

Stuart Smalley would have me say 'I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and doggone it, people like me'... but more than anything else... I LIKE ME!!!!

My apologies if you feel like I am airing dirty laundry, but I have kept one of the key reasons of my running hidden... Now I feel clear...even if I am the only person  who reads this, I feel better. 

So... tomorrows post will be FUN... Week 3 of Chicago Marathon Training will be completed!!!!  How have I done so far???  Come back and we will recap.


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Rubies are NOT a Girls Best Friend...

Goal:9 Miles LSD
Food Previous Day: H20, Non-Fat Latte, Pretzels, Ruby Minis, Fries and Salad Bar (NEED TO IMPROVE NUTRITION INTAKE)
Sleep: 7 Hours
Pre-Run Food: Gatorade and Peanut Butter
Weather: Sunny, Warm, Breezy
Pavement Time:7:00 AM
Run Duration: 1:33
Average Pace: 10:29 min/mile
Actual Distance Completed: 8.95

It was so nice to get home on Friday and run at home with some local running friends. 

Travel days are hard for nutrition/hydration/resting/moving, etc. 
Woke up at 6:15 am, to meet at the South Creek Trail at FF & Battlefield.  I was so tired when I woke up and hoped that Doug would cancel.  (Glad he didn't). 
Got to the trail at 7:00, Doug was already there and Leanne pulled in immediately following.  We were waiting for Cheryl to show up... We hear someone from the trail...turn around and there is Cheryl... she rode her bike from home.  They locked the bike up and we were all 4 on the trail.
I LOVE IT when we have a group of people running. 

We were about a mile or so in and a runner came up behind us and announced he was approaching to the left.  I look up and there goes Paul M...BLAZING by us... (also recovering from an injury that kept him from running for a few months). 

As I say his name, he looks back and then practically has to come to a screeching halt to run at our pace.  :)  All I could picture was the Tortoise and the Hare... It seemed to be an effort, on his part, to run at our pace...

He inquires as to how many miles we are aiming for today - 9 miles... ask him how far he is going... 30!!!!!  THIRTY MILES!!!

I absolutely adore Paul... he is a friend of Jason's from school.  As I re-entered the running world last year, he was one of my biggest cheerleaders... giving me advice and encouragement, even though we didn't REALLY know each other, except through the world of Facebook. 

As he says goodbye.... he kicks it into high gear and is out of sight before we know it. 
The morning was beautiful... Cheryl was doing great considering she is getting over plantar fasciitis. We were almost 3 miles in and my body decided to rebel against me and my zone.  I felt as if I could have ran all day.  Cheryl was planning to run 30 minutes, turn around, get her bike and ride home. 

I 'ditched' (literally) the group and Cheryl turned around at that time.  For whatever reason, I accidentally stopped my GPS and ended my run... FRUSTRATING!!!!  I am not addicted to my technology, except for the distance I am going...

I got back on the trail, started my GPS, and set a good pace, to catch up with Doug and Leanne.  I could see them and was on track to catch up with them. 

I was making sure to hydrate regularly as it was beginning to heat up.  Once you get outside of the Japanese Gardens, there is little shade and the trail becomes concrete in several areas. 

Leanne and Doug were in sight, and as I crossed over the street coming up to Campbell, I didn't see them.  I could feel that my body was starting to feel dehyrdrated, even though I was hydrating regularly.  I ran to the bridge and turned around.  I didn't feel like my body had enough to go farther or look for them if they had turned off of the trail. 

As I approached the Kansas Expressway pedestrian overpass, my body was going on strike... There was no way I was going to make it to my car without my belly just completely going against me... Panic was setting in... After stopping for a few minutes (Again stopped my GPS for some reason), I look up and there's Doug and Leanne...

I rejoined them and we started into the gardens.  I have a mind block each time I re-enter the gardens and just want to shut down... I think I need a different starting point and route to run during my next long run.

As we were about a mile and 1/2 out, another act of rebellion.  At this point, I am frustrated and angry... I JUST WANT TO RUN!!!!!  I want to get in a ZONE and run... no distractions from my stomach... NONE...if it would just behave and let me go...

Again, I drop back as Leanne and Doug go ahead of me... I regroup and start back up (didn't touch my GPS).  I do not feel well. My head is struggling from not enough hydration... my stomach is upset... my innerself is frustrated....

I am coming up on two women walking, announce myself and they both commented how quiet I was.  I loved hearing this as it is my goal to have a nice stride that does not sound like I am pounding the pavement. 

As I make one of the final curves of the trail, there is Cheryls smiling, familiar face... she is on her bike headed home.  Another curve and there is Doug... He is always good to come back and finish with me, if I have had to take a detour....

I really like running with anyone in this group... It is truly each person for themselves, but also, supporting one another... I do not want to break someone elses zone, pace, goals, etc...

I finished all of my hydration bottles, got to the car and finished my bottle of gatorade... went to Git-N-Go and got a large iced water and chocolate milk.... I really wanted to try and defer this dehydration headache.  They usually keep me down all day.  It is miserable. 

I get home and Dylan does not feel well at all.  I talk with Jason, who didn't go because he was helping a friend, and his belly had acted up also...

What is in common with the three of us... we all had Ruby Tuesdays 'Ruby Mini's' the night before....It seems there may be a reason diamonds are a girls best friend.

Dylan and I are headed to Minnesota this coming week... I will be running solo and unfortunately, the area I will be in does not have amazing trails like what I experienced at Dodge Park.  Hoping for some great runs while I am there...

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Back to Life, Back to Reality

Goal:5 Miles Hills
Food Previous Day: Spicy tomato juice, h20 was not normal intake, dinner guacamole, chips/salsa & non-fat chai latte
Sleep: 4 Hours
Pre-Run Food: Banana and OJ
Weather: Sunny, a slight breeze and humid
Pavement Time:6:15 am
Run Duration: 59:23
Average Pace: 10:59 min/mile
Actual Distance Completed: 5.4 miles no hills

Doug and I ran at Dodge Park in Sterling Heights, MI. I ran here in the fall/winter, but did not feel comfortable 'crossing the bridge' into the wooded area. Boy was I missing out.

As we crossed the bridge and entered the trail, it was breathtaking. Early am, the trees are green and full, yet they were sending in rays of sunshine. It was so quiet and peaceful in there. There was no indication that we were near 'the motor city'... The place I really disliked this past winter.

There was so much life in there... Squirrels are everywhere and not 'scared'... They have black squirrels, which I have only seen in DC.

As we started down one of the paths, there was quite the ruckus on our left. We look over and there are 3 'toddler' raccoons, scurrying up the trees. They were so curious, afraid and brave all at the same time.

For those of you that have followed me in the past, I had no 'issues' today. Before we left the hotel, I ran about 4/10 of a mile on the treadmill... It worked.

My plan called for 5 miles of hills today. However, there are no hills in this area. Dougs plan called for 45-55 minutes of running (he is doing chi running). Google it and research it. Very interesting.

Since there were no hills, I had decided to 'just run' and see what I could get in by running with doug for the duration.

This is my first full week of getting ALL RUNS IN DURING THE AM! It is most definitely the way to go. So much cooler, the world is coming to life and you see it before it becomes a rat race... Such a great way to start the day.

It's these types of runs that keep me laced up and running.

Our run went through timber, a small field and by a stream.

I was sad that our run was coming to an end, but was so thankful that God has given me a strong mind to become a runner and enjoy these types of experiences.

Doug and I crossed the bridge back into the park area and the temperature difference was noticeable and the fact that we were back to life, back to reality. In a little over an hour we would have eaten breakfast, showered, in our business clothes and onsite with clients.

We finished up with 5.4 miles...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Chicago Preparation

It has been a LONG time since I have blogged about my running.  I have many excuses as to why, but none of them matter and I vow to be better at it.

I am disappointed in myself for not blogging about the Austin Marathon that I worked so hard to complete... It was a great experience, which led me to register for the Chicago Bank of America 2012 Marathon, October 7. 

I have continued to run and maintain 9-10 mile distances, at the most.  Most typically 5-7 miles is most common.

Over the next 16 weeks, my blog will be about the expreriences leading up to Chicago.  I have 3 friends who will be running in the Chicago Marathon, friends going to support and of course my amazing husband JB.


Goal:  3 Miles Easy 
Food Previous Day:  Oatmeal, Bowl of Chocolate Cheerios, Almonds, Pretzels, Chocolate Animal Crackers, Edamame (steamed) and pizza (I do not like chocolate, and just realized I had 2 forms of chocolate food), LOTS of WATER
Sleep:  Asleep on couch, watching a movie, around 9:30, to bed around 10:30 and up at 6:10 AM
Todays Food:  Strawberry/Banana GU Gel, Water
Weather:  I didn't check the temperature, but it was sunny, slight breeze, beautiful day to run
Pavement Time:  7:00 AM
Run Duration:  29.23
Average Pace:  9:38 min/mile
Actual Distance Completed:  3.05 miles

Several things have changed since my last blog. 
  • My knee is no longer hurting... figured out it was lack of stretching my quads... SO MUCH BETTER!!! 
  • My other 'issues' that I used to write about quite often, are improving.  I am in tune with my body and paying attention
  • Dylan is driving now, which frees up time to run, because we no longer have to plan runs around drop off/pick up times
  • No more music on runs
  • 2 toenails missing (due to previous running shoes not being fitted properly)
JB has gone back to work full time, which makes my running (when home) a little different.  He doesn't get to run/bike with me in the AM now. 

Headed out the door as Dylan was pulling out of driveway for weights/conditioning. 

Today was 3 easy miles and I have found a 3 mile route that I really like right now. 

I run through a neighborhood and about the time I get there, garage doors are opening and people leaving for their jobs.  I love this because it gives me a temporary sense of routine.  Since I travel so much, I feel like I miss out on a 'normal' life, getting up, kids ready, driving the same route to work, doing the same thing each day, drive home, water the yard, etc. 

I leave the neighborhood and run on a trail, where the 'sidewalk ends' and circle back, head back into my old neighborhood and then home. 

Todays run seemed faster than usual and ends up that it was. 

Running in the AM is proving to be my favorite.  It gets my day started the right way and allows me to have extra time in the day. 

I left for Detroit today and look forward to running in familiar and new territory.  I will have a running partner tomorrow, Doug, who I am traveling with. 

Just remember, you never come back from walking, running, biking, working out, being active and think to yourself 'I really regret doing that'....but you do regret not doing anything. 

Lace up and go do something active and healthy...

Friday, January 27, 2012

Do You Hear What I Hear

5 Miles Yesterday (Thursday)
Time: 56.14
Distance: 5.15
Pace: 10:54 (Still not where I want or need to be, but will work on speed post Austin)
Temp: 37 and extremely foggy...little windy, but perfect with the wind at our backs

It has been a while since my last post. Thought I might need to let some of you reel back in from the last one...whether you were surprised by the length or the content.


I have heard several runners mention the 'tapering of miles'....well we are definitely tapering and I am mentally struggling with it. I feel like I am cheating by not running as many miles, especially during the week. It seems that I am letting it impact my drive. I haven't struggled with eating, feeling guilty, as the miles were building up...but I am struggling now and don't want to eat. It seems as if my body is rebelling and not changing it's physical appearance anymore. I do NOT want to physically go back to what I was before I picked running back up.

Week at a Glance:

Tuesday - Ran 4 miles, supposed to run 5 (misread my training plan). JB rode ahead of me and went to his parents house to drop off some golf balls. Their house is 8/10 of a mile away. By the time I reached their street, I had to make the usual pit stop. However, this was earlier in the run than normal. JB didn't realize I was there and went on ahead of me. His parents both made me laugh as I entered and left their home. She had read the lengthy descriptive blog, I am assuming she read to him also, and laughed as I walked through the door. As I was leaving the house, he was also surprised to see me (he was in the garage) and told me that JB had just left and wondering what I was doing. I told him that the body had called again... His response 'Did you use my backyard'? PRICELESS AND CRACKED ME UP!!!! JB had made it all the way to Wal-Mart before he turned around to come back and find me. Let me just tell you how HORRIBLE this run was... It was as if this was the first time I had ever run. Glad to be done with it.

Wednesday - Supposed to run 4 miles, ran 0 was one of the nastiest, cold, wet days during my training period. JB went to Starting Block and went against what I was told almost a week ago.... He got me some gels to try this weekend. I HAVE to figure my fueling out...Nothing like last minute right???? I have been trying to figure this food/fuel stuff out for close to 8 months... Ugh.

Thursday - Supposed to run 4 miles, ran 5 miles to try and make up for what I missed on Tuesday and Wednesday... Really? Run an extra mile to make up for the 5 that I missed? In my head, not running 5 miles seems minimal and will not impact my 'long' run, yet I complain and worry about not running and impacting my physical appearance. I am definitely having mental battles right now...physically, I am fine.

We tried to head out early and on 3 different occasions on Thursday. We could have had our very own AAA Service yesterday.

TB called and had run out of gas on ZZ
J called and needed us to follow him to the car shop
DBek2 woke up with a migraine, took some meds and slept in for a while. By the time we got back from taking J, he was ready to go to school, so JB took him to school.

When JB got back, it was almost 11:00. We got dressed for the cold/foggy air and ran for lunch. It was colder than it looked. I did something today that I haven't done since CW and I quit running together. I ran without music.

Christmas music has proven to be the BEST music for me. It paces me well and keeps me 'calm' and steady.... I have a running list with songs I love, but feel it has me all over the place on pace.

Can I just tell you how much I enjoyed it. It was 'different'... really hearing EVERYTHING around me.

The black crows screeching, crowing, hacking...whatever their creepy noise is... I know it is the sound given to them, but it is sooooo eerie. My breathing... wow it is amazing how much better I felt when I paid attention to my breathing and focused. The wind, the car tires on the wet pavement, the screeching of children coming to the playground for recess, dogs barking, leaves, branches, twigs breaking under my feet, the clicking of JB's bike when he isn't peddling, able to actually hear JB when we are talking without saying 'what? huh?'... I thoroughly enjoyed the no music.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am not going to Austin without music...I may turn on Pandora Christmas music and listen to it for 26.2 miles. :0)...

If you are reading this post, please comment and let me know what you listen to when you run? If you aren't a runner, what is your favorite song/artist.

If my in laws are reading this... you will now find out that we stopped at your house yesterday and used the indoors restroom again. And when I say 'we'... I mean 'me'.... So no surprises will be in your yard, shrubs... you know what I mean. :)

It was a much better run than Tuesday. I felt better, but I didn't run it nearly as fast on Thursday, as I had on Tuesday.

Looking forward to Saturday. Tyson and I are running in a 20K in Reeds Spring. Yeti, Set Run. I am so ready to run with several runners and start to get the 'excitement' back. Please dont' think I am not enjoying my running...I just want to have the hunger that I had prior to my IT Band issues.

If you are a runner, lace up and head out today....If you aren't, lace up and head out today... you will love it.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Now You Tree Me, Now You Don't

15 Miles Today
Time: 2:58:45
Distance: 15.02
Pace: 12:15 (YUCK)
Temp: 18 beginning / STILL COLD upon finish
Tysons Joke of the Day: As we are running by a cememtary...EVERY TIME.... 'People are just dying to get in there'... Bu-da Bump!!!!

I have really tried to avoid addressing my running problem directly (due to some of my crazy friends who think it is H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S and like to crack jokes, or those strangers who may be reading this and don't know me, my new found running friends who don't know me that well or my friends/family that I haven't actually shared this with and then they are like 'OMGosh, really Dawn...and look at me like a weirdo'. So I am going to go out on a limb here to share some of my innermost thoughts, worries and stories.... Hopefully, I can get some suggestions on how to try and stop this or maybe I can help those, who also experience this, know it is a common problem for some runners.

Let me set the stage for you... I have mentioned that I have run off and on throughout my life. In 2004 I picked it back up because I missed it, needed to get back in shape and I had the most amazing running partner... Gaige, my yellow lab. (Best Pace Setter EVER).

Back then, I would most typically come home from work and we would head out to get our run in before dinner. As the days of summer continued to wear on, 5-6 PM was hotter and hotter each day. So, this particular evening, we headed out after dark... THANK GOODNESS. I did not realize I would need the cover of the dark to hide me tonight.

We were about a mile away from home and I felt a belly pain and sensation that I was not thrilled about... I am a mile away from the house. We are running in a neighborhood that is being built... I slow myself to a walk and Gaige is looking at me like 'hey, this isn't our normal pace'. As I start processing the situation, I think to myself, 'if I continue to walk, I am probably not going to make it home in time. But if I run, the sensation worsens'. WHAT TO DO WHAT TO DO?

I start looking around in a panic and felt like I needed to clench my cheeks, grab my cheeks and start shuffling home in the Tim Conway 'Old Man' character fashion. I knew I was not going to make it home. So, I did something I was mortified about, but had no choice.

I found a home that was under construction and hid myself between the piles of construction rubble, brick layers sand and drive way gravel and 'did my business'. The fear of walking home in 'dirty clothes' was gone, but another wave of panic hit me... what do I use for 'paper'. Oh Crap, LITERALLY. So I am looking around like a crazed drug addict trying to find something to use, but as I start thinking, would I really use something left at a construction site??? NO WAY!!! What did I do you ask???? YES, I did!!! I know, hard to believe, but YES, I used my under garments. I had no choice, I really didn't.

I was mortified as I left this construction site and was NEVER going to share this story with ANYONE!!!! However, a few weeks, months later, I did share with some of my closest friends, who shared with their closest friends, who shared...yeah, you get the picture.

Gaige and I continued our daily run for several months, before I had to leave it because of an injury, but never had that happen again.

Fast forward to May/June 2011... I start running with CW, and it starts happening to me again... REGULARLY. It is so frustrating to head out for a run, be in the zone and then get unfocused because you have to go to the bathroom. Luckily, we were running at 10:00 PM each night due to the heat and busy schedules. One thing I love about CW, is she is not judgmental and understood and was patient as this began interrupting our runs at about 2 miles in (seems to be the magic number).

The more I ran with CW, the more I realized I needed to 'learn' some things about running and needed advice from veteran runners. So I reached out to Dbek2's 8th grade basketball coach, Dustin Washam (I have previously referenced his blog It initially was about fueling, run/walk thoughts, etc.

Again, the running community is such an awesome group of people, I was not embarrassed to ask him about this ongoing issue. He continued to give me ideas, thoughts, things to try... He did recommend laying off of the coffee and seeing if that would help. I did cut back from 3-4 cups a day to 1, sometimes 2. I do believe it helped some... for a while.

The longer the runs get, the more you have to think about and actually give your body fuel to keep going and get through some of the walls you will encounter. Once I started doing this, my body started acting up again. I am thankful that Tyson, Patty and JB are so patient with me during our long runs. We have to plan everything around where bathrooms are located and/or dense shrub/wooded areas.

I have run with my sister-in-law on a couple of occasions and she has also been patient and non-judgmental. She was the reason I ran my first Trail Run and my first longest 'organized' race last October.... 15K Trail Run. I was petrified and nervous about having to go to the bathroom during this run.

I was able to visit with Tyson's mom the night before the Trail Run and talking about this problem and come to find out...she USED to suffer from 'Runners Runs'. She told me that she would always have a chewable Immodium tablet and as soon as she even felt like she needed to go, she would break it in 1/2 and chew it up.

I have looked for the chewable Immodium, not able to find it, but tried the chewable Pepto. It worked for my trail run and my 1st 1/2 Marathon... No bathroom issues at all, but doesn’t seem to be working anymore.

I am praying that I can beat this during the Austin Marathon in less than a month.

Okay, so my apologies for the rambling, I will get to our run/ride yesterday.

It was my first 'long' run since the IT Band issues. I have had no pain this past week during my shorter runs of 5 miles.

Yesterday was supposed to be 23 miles, STILL trying to figure out where Tyson come up with this crazy number.

One thing I have been told by seasoned runners is... Do not try something new on race day, that you haven't tried during training. I have been trying to nail my long run fueling, but am wondering if that is what's causing my 3-4 pit stops per run. So, I am trying something different.

Went to the Starting Block to get Gels and see if my belly could handle those. The guy helping me thought they would be a little tough on me. Advised to try Honey Stinger gummy bites. I bought 2 packs.

I ate my usual Di Arpino's Cheese Tortellini for lunch on Friday and again at 10:00 PM that night.

Woke up and eliminated the peanut butter toast that I normally eat before a run (not sure that was a good idea either), but drank some Gatorade at home and then had a Gatorade Prime 15 minutes prior to running.

We got to Bass Pro at 7:30 and it was COLD!!! Both Tyson and JB were commenting on how cold it was and they wanted to head home.... but NO, I just had to run early and get it out of the way. IF we ran an 11 minute mile, we would finish around 12/Noon. I didn't want to be much later than that.

JB was bundled up like the little guy from 'Christmas Story' and Tyson and I in our normal running gear. We both had our fuel belts, his with water, mine with Gatorade G2 Endurance.

We chose to run the majority of the Bass Pro Marathon course (green arrows are still on the streets from November). We started out and my fingers were so cold they hurt...we weren't even 2/10 of a mile into the run. JB's eyelashes were getting icy because of his eyes watering. He is such a great supporter and trooper to ride his bike in these crazy temps. His body does not warm up like ours since he is riding... I am not sure how he does it, really. I am a wimp and don't know that I could do it. Another example of your mind being a powerful tool in ANY type of training you may be doing.

Physically, I felt like a feather in the wind... my feet weren't heavy, my knees were perfect, my stride was good.... it was going to be a good day of running.

Our first 5k of the run went by SUPER fast... we were warming up, JB... not so much. Toes and Fingers seem to be a problem for him when he is riding, whereas, our toes and fingers tend to sweat.

When Tyson said we had hit the 3 mile mark, I was ecstatic that my body was behaving... YES, it was going to be a good day. I went ahead and tried the Honey Stingers. I hadn’t eaten breakfast that morning and thought I would need to fuel earlier in my run.

4.2 miles in... I jinxed myself... The feeling started and we were nowhere near a bathroom. We were on Ingram Mill road, quite some distance from the Kum-n-Go at Sunshine and 65.

Tyson had lived over here during some of his childhood and knew of a nearby park that we could go to. He kept telling me... 1/2 a block, just right around the corner... well, I have learned while training with Tyson... he has NO SENSE OF DISTANCE!!! Or he likes to mess with me.

We made it to the park...and it is all fenced in.... What I am about to say may come across badly, and I do not mean to 'judge' or make anyone feel bad...but this neighborhood is not one of the best, the park (to me) looks like something you would see in a movie... and not in a good way. The gate is unlocked, so not real sure why it is 'fenced' in.

I walk in there and of course... NO BATHROOM that is open, and available. body is getting impatient with me. It is about to show me who is boss. The park was built first and the houses were built around there are 3 sides of houses around the park, with the backs facing the park.

I start looking, frantically, for somewhere to go to the bathroom...I spot this gorgeous shaggy pine tree that the limbs come all the way to the ground. It would have been a perfect 'club house' as kids. I start towards it and notice that it is 1/2 in a yard and 1/2 in the park AND a gate to the yard is somewhat hidden by the branches. It was my only option...I had to crawl into the heart of the tree. I am definitely not proud of what I have to do, it is embarrassing, but I realize I can't control it...and I am hoping that someone who reads this has thoughts, suggestions...a cure all.

I felt bad for the guys...they had to wait on me… AGAIN. Their sweat had cooled them off...

When we started off, we were headed towards Southern Hills... where Tyson lives. Patty and the boys were waiting for us as we were passing their house. Their boys are the sweetest things.... they love their dad and love to cheer him on. I got there first, rode JB's bike, because I had to use the bathroom again... Go figure... The first thing they asked was 'How is my dad doing'?

I am starting to lose ‘my zone and focus’. I am getting panicked about having another place to go to the bathroom… I made a bad decision… I quit fueling with the Honey Stingers, with hope I wouldn’t have to go again. I was trying to fuel with my Gatorade, but it was slushy and frozen. So in order to ‘drink’ it, we would have to walk to unscrew the lid and try to get something.

We crossed over East Sunshine and came up on Dillons (mile 6). It was time to fuel again for Tyson. JB's bottle of Gatorade had turned into a slushy. JB was so cold that we split off from one another. Tyson and I continue to run the route and JB went to Starbucks at Dillons to warm up. He would later catch up with us around mile 8-9.

I have said it many times...I love running because I get to appreciate my surroundings and notice things that I typically don't see because I am driving. We went through so many types of neighborhoods... Wealthy neighborhoods, poor neighborhoods, old neighborhoods...BIZARRO neighborhoods... We saw a house that was the most hideous blue... Tyson called it 'pool bottom' blue. It's crazy how different we all are and how we live...

To all of our disappointment, the day was not warming seemed as if it was getting colder. We were at mile 15 and decided to call the run. Tyson was struggling with his hip... and I had CRASHED… I didn’t have fuel to get me threw the next 8 miles. My stomach was ‘growling’… The sad thing… after I quit using the gummies, I didn’t go to the bathroom again. I may have to go against the recommendation of the Starting Block guy and try gels on my next run. If those don’t work, I may have to try something that is completely liquid. Another mistake I made…I didn’t put my usual flavored water in my fuel belt… Gatorade only… I think I became dehydrated. My head was starting to pound and continued throughout the night.

JB was our hero... he rode to Bass Pro, loaded the bike and came back to pick us up. I hate to admit that we didn't run our goal miles, but as I mentioned in a previous blog... I am going to listen to my body. I want to run and finish Austin...and if that means calling a run short...than that is what I am going to do.

Patty met all of us at Whole Hog Cafe and we had a great lunch. Started talking about our trip to Austin and how much fun we were going to have.

This run was supposed to be our longest during our training plan...we start dropping mileage this week. We are less than a month away from the marathon...

I am still not sure that I have found how to fuel my body without bathroom issues... I will continue to work on it... Next Saturday Tyson and I have a 20K in Reeds Spring... Hopefully I can get through it with no stops...

So, maybe this explains why I like to run in the dark and why I haven't joined the local Running Chics for a run yet...It is something that I have to think about and take into consideration anytime I run with someone new.
I appreciate all of my running buddies that have put up with this and continue to run with me.